Friday 27 October 2017

How 3rd Graders Can Really Learn How to Spell

English spelling may be a nightmare for many third graders. But the good news is that it does not have to be! If you are a parent or teacher, do not despair, some of the world’s cleverest people have struggled with English spelling. You are not alone.
Spelling memory is dependent on a child’s growing knowledge of spoken and written word. To progress, 3rd graders must master spelling patterns and letter combinations. Want to really know how kids can learn how to spell? Here are a few ways.
·         Finding meaning
Spelling tests for 3rd grade should not just be about spelling out loud, kids should always learn the meaning of the words that they spell. Unfortunately, most children hardly know the meaning of different words. Once they learn different words and their meanings, they will be able to spell easily.
Parents and teachers should know that spellings are not strings of letters that are to be learnt by hearts. Instead, they should focus on their deeper meaning.
·         Learning more than sounds
The alphabet has 26 letters but it does have 44 different sounds. So, while sounds (phonics) are important in learning how to spell, they are insufficient when used alone. SpellQuiz is one of the best spelling test tools for 3rdgraders. It is a website that focuses on phonics. However, it encourages you to ensure that your kid learns more than sounds.
·         Understanding how words really make their meanings
Young spellers rely on phonetics to get them through the early years of spelling. However, this is not right. They should first learn the meaning of the words in comparison to what sounds they can hear.
·         Knowing where words come from
English words are constantly evolving. In fact, only 12% of English words are spelled the way they sound. This means that anyspelling test for 3rd grade is a fascinating exploration of the history of the language. Young children are responsive to stories about words as they help them build their spelling skills as well as their vocabulary.
Unfortunately, young spellers are not given any additional tools to understand how words really work. Relegating 3rd graders to learning more about phonics is not the way to teach them how to spell.
·         Teaching-not testing

Kids who benefit from a spelling test for 3rd grade already have a good grip on the English language. 3rd graders who are poor spellers do not benefit from actual testing, as they still struggle after this. As such, teachers and parents should understand that testing is not teaching.
Teachers should find a way for children to fall in love with words from their very first years in school. Developing this interest will trigger a level of curiosity in these kids. They will want to know how the words mean and consequently, how they are spelled.
3rd graders should be fascinated by stories about where words come from. They should be excited by breaking the code and discovering how words make their meanings. Spelling should be your child’s favorite subject.